November 2022


By Ian Barden

I am pleased to advise that, with the cooperation of Rik Furnival, TCA has regained management of the TCA Facebook page and I have taken over as Systems Administrator [].

Thanks to Liam Nash and Sam Cook for their assistance with liaison with Facebook and help in arranging a seamless transfer. With effect from 23 November 2022, the page has been transferred from a Public to Private Group i.e. it now operates as a Closed User Group, with access limited to Full and Associate Members of the TON Class Association, as was Rik’s original intention.

In recent years we have noted some unwelcome and irrelevant postings and we now wish to return to our roots of providing a friendly means of communication for those who served in TON vessels and their close friends.

All paid up Full and Associate members of the TCA will remain in the group, with no need to take any action to continue to access Text, Pictures, Media, Files etc Non-members can join TCA as Full members if they have served on a TON or as Associates if they have served on other MCMVs or have an interest in MCM, such as being a relative of someone who served in minesweepers.

A Membership Application form can be downloaded from our website In order to register for the TCA Facebook page, go to FB, select Search, and enter Name and TCA Membership Number, to obtain Approval. If you do not recall your Membership number, it can be obtained from Membership Secretary Dennis Cook at .

Our new Chairman, Commander Bob Hawkins MBE, is very keen to promote use of the re-born Facebook page. We aim for the page to continue to provide interesting social interaction, with historical chats and ideas, for a long time into the future. I would like to thank Rik Furnival for all of his past work in setting the page up in the early days and to assure him that his work remains the baseline and inspiration for the group.