Members of the TON Class Association receive, without charge, TON Talk, a 36 page, A5 size magazine with eight colour pages, four times each year. The latest edition of the magazine will be available on this website for members to read or download during the first week of March, June, September and December.
TON Talk is the principal means of communicating with members and complements our website and Facebook page.

TON Talk Covers:
Centre - First Edition Feb 1987. Typed and Photocopied. 58 copies posted
Left - Thin card covers, with illustration 1993-98,
Right - Cover re-designed 2001 First use of colour Edition 115 Aug 2005
Current format (top pictures) introduced with Edition 151 Aug 2011. 1100 copies printed + 200 sent electronically
The magazine contains reports of TCA activities and reminiscences (dits) from members about their experiences of serving in TON vessels and a lively exchange of views through the Post Bag.
Articles of naval history are featured, especially if there is a connection with the world of Mine Countermeasures.
TCA members are spread all around the world; literally from Alaska to Argentina and Europe to Australia and New Zealand, including South Africa and the Far East. Members in these areas regularly send information and photographs to TON Talk.
We also keep in touch with the current MCM activity of the Royal Navy. The magazine is sent to MCMVs in commission who often respond with reports and photographs of their activities and we have regular exchanges of news and views with our equivalent Mine Warfare specialists in the United States, Canada and Norway.
Membership Details
In order to more fully comply with GDPR, contact details of members joining and leaving TCA will no longer be published. If you wish to contact a former shipmate you can request this information from the who will obtain permission from the member concerned.