Aim and Objectives of the TON Class Association
Our Aim is to bring together in mutual friendship those who served in TON Class ships and those who served in support of TON Class ships.
Our Objectives are:
1. To keep the Members in contact with each other by means of newsletters, meetings and social occasions.
2. To support each other as necessary by providing prompt and appropriate assistance to Members, their wives and/or dependants, who may be in financial or other difficulties.
N.B. In serious cases this assistance may be provided by external bodies better qualified than TCA in medical and social care.
3. To comple a record of information and data relating to TON Class ships for the benefit of historical research and to answer queries from members of TCA, researchers and the public.
N.B This has been achieved by publication of the Trilogy of Books and by our passing compilations of ship records and photographs to the RN Historical Branch.
4. To keep abreast of news about any remaining ships of the TON Class and to support collections of memorabilia of the ships and the sailors who served in them.