Benefits of Joining TCA
The advantages and facilities available through TCA are described in the Factsheet, next to the Membership Application Form, which can be downloaded from below.
Full Membership of TCA is open to anyone who served for 24 hours in a TON in whatever rank or specialisation.
Associate Membership is available for those who served in a support role or have other MCM Experience or Interests.
Associate Members can participate in all TCA activities and serve on the Management Committee
Did you serve in a River, Hunt or Sandown MCMV?
Following the announcement that specialised minehunter vessels are to be phased out of service, and replaced by robotic systems and equipment, TCA has extended its membership to those who served in other classes of MCMVs e.g.: Rivers, Hunts and Sandowns.
TCA has always been open to, and derives great strength from, members of all specialisations who shared the close bonds and occasional perils, of the world of mine countermeasures, including gunners, communicators, engineers, electricians, cooks, stewards, watchkeeping officers and members of the Royal Naval Reserve.
We especially welcome serving members of the RN, RNR and RFA.
TCA members keep in touch via our magazine TON Talk, the TCA website and Facebook page.
We also have and active regional group in Yorkshire - the White Rose Branch, and hope soon to re-establish the groups in Scotland and other regions.
All members receive our magazine TON Talk, each quarter in March, June, September and December.
We hold an Annual Reunion, alternating the venue north and south each year. In 2024 the Reunion will be held in Harrogate over the weekend 11-14th October.
Booking form will be in the Spring edition of TON Talk, plus on our website.
Members are also welcome to attend, the Committee Meeting to be held on Saturday 16th March 2024 at the Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth.
£15 for Full and Associate Members.
Personal details are requested solely for the purposes of the Membership Directory.
All personal information will be safeguarded in accordance with current Data Protection Regulations to preserve privacy of the individual. The Directory is available to all members on request, for a small fee, but information about members will not be disclosed to any external party without specific permission of the member concerned.
If you accept that your contact details may be disclosed to other members of TCA by the Membership Secretary, unless indicated otherwise, fill out the form below.
Please download and complete the combined Application Form and Payment Instruction below and send your Subscription by cheque or Standing Order Mandate to the Membership Secretary, Dennis Cook , 5 Manvers Street, WORKSOP, Nottingham S80 1SD
Phone: 01909 481 745 E-mail:
Please contact Dennis if you have any questions about the form