July 2023

White Rose Meeting


The White Rose branch of the TCA met in the Longboat Bar, Premier Inn, York on Saturday 1st July.

Present were Alan Hewitt, Ken Rutherford, Trevor Dixon, Terry Foreman, "Pincher" Martin, Clive Dennison and Allan Buster Brown. We also welcomed new member Phil Fluke and incoming Reunion Secretary Jim Virgo.

Apologies from Pancho Brett (reunion), Jeremey Mackrell and Dave Parrish.

We will be attending the All Services Remembrance parade at Eden Camp museum on Sunday 10th September.

It was agreed that we hold our next meeting/meal on Saturday the 9 th of September.

I informed the branch that there will be a Committee Zoom meeting mid July.

Jim Virgo introduced himself to the meeting and outlined his ideas for future reunions. He has a few suggestions that he will be presenting to the AGM.

Clive updated us on the Table Table loyalty card.

"Up spirits" was called at 1400.

The ladies joined us for a meal at 1530 giving us lads a chance to lamp swing and black cat.

Deputy Editor Required

Peter Down, the current Editor of TON Talk, wishes to retire as increasing age and declining health are taking its toll. He has done the job for 12 years, so perhaps the time is right for someone younger and more active, to take over.

We now produce four editions per year, each of 36 pages, including colour illustrations.

It is suggested that a suitable transition could be arranged by someone volunteering to become Deputy Editor and receive on-the-job mentoring by Peter for a period of six to twelve months (two to four editions) to familiarise themself with the processes and techniques involved, before taking over as Editor.

The Editor’s task is to receive contributions from members and to assemble them into an attractive page layout suitable for printing. We are fortunate to receive a good inflow of articles and photographs from members but occasionally the Editor has to write a feature, usually to cover a major event.

We have a tool, the “Flat Plan” which considerably assists with assembling the pages in sequence and we also have templates for page layouts for different sections of the magazine.

Currently we use Microsoft WORD to compile the print ready files, which are then e-mailed to our printer, Gipping Press, for printing and distribution. Other applications such as PUBLISHER, might also be used, if preferred.

Membership Secretary Dennis Cook prepares a mailing list which he sends to the printer, so that addressed envelopes can be produced in post code sequence, for which we obtain a discount on UK postage.

Printing and distribution can continue to be performed by our current printer. If necessary, Peter could continue to liaise with the printer on these activities.

Ancillary tasks include e-mailing an electronic version (pdf) of the magazine to about 150 members and reconciling the printer’s invoice for payment by our Treasurer.

Good skills with word processing, e-mail and organisation are essential for the role, with some flair with words and design/layout. Experience of producing a ship’s newsletter or parish magazine would be an advantage.

Please ring Peter on 01449 721 235 for an informal discussion.