December 2023

This article was kindly written by Rob Hoole for December’s edition of TON Talk, but we ran out of space !

It is shown here so we do not lose the information

MCM NEWS Dec 2023

by Rob Hoole

Owing to the gradual replacement of MCMVs with autonomous systems, I have renamed this column ‘MCM News’ vice ‘MCMV News’.

Operation KIPION MCM

UKMCMFOR (UK MCM Force), based at the NSF (Naval Support Facility) at Mina Salman in Bahrain, currently comprises the Hunt class MCMVs MIDDLETON (2/6) and CHIDDINGFOLD (2/5) plus the Sandown class MCMV BANGOR (MTXG 4) and MTXG (Mine Warfare Exploitation Group)’s MST1 (Mission System Team 1), all supported by RFA CARDIGAN BAY.  MIDDLETON has been exchanging personnel with colleagues of the Royal Navy of Oman and US 5th Fleet and hosted the Duke of Edinburgh in October. BANGOR rescued a loggerhead turtle entangled in fishing gear.

HUNT Class

As of last July, the Portsmouth-based First MCM Squadron, comprising all remaining Hunt class minehunters, is the only surviving MCM Squadron in the Royal Navy.  It consists of BROCKLESBY (MCM2 Crew 7), CATTISTOCK (2/1), CHIDDINGFOLD (2/5), HURWORTH (2/4), LEDBURY (2/3) and MIDDLETON (2/6).  BROCKLESBY is undergoing refit.  CATTISTOCK completed FOST training in October after a two-year refit and was in Poole for the Remembrance weekend.  HURWORTH has been operating out of Portsmouth.  LEDBURY has been helping trial new Uncrewed Underwater Vehicles and members of her ship’s company visited her home town of Ledbury for Remembrance Day. 

MTXG (Mine Threat & Exploitation Group)

Faslane-based Sandown class minehunters BANGOR, PEMBROKE (MTXG 6) and PENZANCE (MTXG 1) are now part of MTXG, as is Portsmouth-based MASTT (Maritime Autonomous System Trials Team), MST1 (Mission System Team 1) regenerating, MST2 deployed on Operation KIPION MCM in the Gulf, and Clyde-based MST3 on Homeland duties.  PENZANCE was in Oban for the Remembrance weekend and formed a central part of the Armistice Day parade to commemorate 100 years of the memorial in Oban. MTXG staff attended Remembrance weekend services across Inverness including ceremonies at the Commonwealth War Graves and Cenotaph.

MASTT (Maritime Autonomous System Trials Team)

MASTT has continued to perform autonomous MCM system trials, both in home waters and abroad

See the ‘Latest News’ page of the MCD Officers’ Association’s new website at for more recent updates and photos